Lithia Springs Elementary After School Programs

Please click here to register:  

 The After School Program sponsored by the Douglas County School System is designed to provide adult supervision, in a group setting, to students whose parents work outside the home after school hours. The After School Program does not provide educational services to students and is not intended to be an educational program. Rather, group activities in which students will participate include things such as movement, homework, computer games and story time. Eligible students with disabilities who enroll in the After School Program will be provided reasonable accommodations and/or modifications in order to afford them meaningful access to the program. Accommodations are considered reasonable where the provision of them would not result in a fundamental alteration of the program or the services offered by the program or create an undue financial or administrative burden.


The mission for the Douglas County School System After School Program (ASP) is to provide a safe, relaxed, and enjoyable environment for its students. The ASP provides enrichment activities, social interaction with peers, and homework help in a well-supervised, structured setting.

After School Hours

The ASP is open from 2:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. We are closed on holidays, teacher workdays, conference days, early release days, and summer break. Students must be picked up no later than 6:00 p.m. There is also a late fee of $1.00 per minute, per family after 6:00 p.m.

Program Length

All elementary and middle schools plan to start their ASP on the first day of school. The ASP concludes during the last week of the school year. The school determines the exact date.

Discipline Procedures

The After School Program follows the discipline policies of the Douglas County School System. Each school will establish specific discipline guidelines at their school site. Students may be temporarily or permanently removed from the ASP depending upon the offense.

Program Fees

AFTER SCHOOL: 2:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

$10.00 registration fee per family
$10.00 per day, per child (regardless of amount of time in the program). This fee is due at the beginning of each week and should be placed in our drop box located across from the front office or payments can be made online to student accounts. 

There is a $10.00 late fee applied to outstanding balances.


As funds are available, partial scholarships for the ASP may be available to students based upon need. Please see your school after school program director for an application.

All families must pay the $10.00 registration fee regardless of financial status.

Schedule of Activities

Students will receive a nutritious dinner each day before starting on their homework. Instructors work with students to complete daily assignments, assigned homework and other projects. Activities may include creative activities, enrichment projects, community service projects, and technology exposure. Students will receive a nutritious snack at the end of the day.

The Douglas County School System After School Program is made possible through the generous support of student tuition, and grants from United Way and Communities in Schools of Douglas County.

For More Info on the Douglas County Extended Learning After School Program