Kindergarten Registration

2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration Flyer (English & Spanish)

We are thrilled to have the Class of 2037 join us for an exciting journey! Kindergarten is a time of personal adjustment and stepping out beyond the family to the wider world. 

Beginning Wednesday May 1, parents may register their children for kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. Completing registration early will help your child's teacher be ready to welcome your child when the school year begins on August 1, 2024. In order to register your student, Georgia law requires that kindergarten students be five-years-old on or by September 1, 2024.

Click here to begin the registration process, or continue reading for more on DCSS' registration process and Kindergarten Camp.

Students who register for kindergarten by July 9 are also eligible for Kindergarten Camp. Kindergarten Camp gives rising students an opportunity to learn more about their new schools and see what a typical day at school is like. In order to participate, students MUST fully complete registration and your application must be approved by July 9, 2024.

Kindergarten Registration Link and Required Documents

Click here or the link above to access the DCSS Kindergarten Registration portal.

The following documents are needed to complete the registration process:

• Certified copy of the child's birth certificate
• Georgia Immunization Form 3231 (complete for school)
• Georgia Eye, Ear, Dental and BMI Form 3300 (must be completed within the last 12 months prior to enrollment in a Georgia school)
• Student's social security card or waiver
• Parent/Legal Guardian's photo ID
• Custody/Guardianship papers signed by a judge (if applicable)
• Proof of Residency

The following items are accepted as proof of residency:

If you rent: Current lease agreement AND current utility bill or connection receipt. Utility bill must be no more than 30 days old, and not indicate disconnection or pending disconnection. Both the lease agreement and utility bill in the parent/legal guardian's name
If you own: Current mortgage statement or tax bill AND current utility or connection receipt. Utility bill must be no more than 30 days old, and not indicate disconnection or pending disconnection. Both documents must be in parent/legal guardian's name
If you live with another family: The Multi-Family Residence Form MUST be signed by the homeowner or lessee, and the enrolling parent/legal guardian. Both signatures MUST be notarized individually. You will need to provide the Multi-Residence Form AND current utility bill or connection receipt of the homeowner or lessee. Access a Multi-Family Residence Form in English here or in Spanish here.

DCSS' kindergarten registration process is through an online platform.

The process includes uploading documents needed for registration. Accepted documents include files that end in .pdf, .docx, and .doc. The registration process can also be completed on your mobile phone. You can download any free scanning app in order to upload the documents to the form (for example, Adobe Reader).

Please keep in mind that your registration is not complete until the documents have been uploaded. DCSS reserves the right to request these documents at any time. 

Please make sure that after you submit your online registration, check your email to make sure your application was submitted to us.